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I got to see the Doc about this. I hate to leave you alone." "Let him go," said Annie to Mary Gage. "The soldiers 'll be back for supper pretty soon." "I've got to go over to Wid's," said Sim; "got to get another horse." He turned and left the room without more word of parting than he had shown of greeting. He walked more alertly than ever he had in his life.

Still and after all, now, a woman " "I couldn't have ate at Sim's place if he would of asked me to," grumbled Wid Gardner aloud to himself as he busied himself about his own household duties in his bachelor cabin. "He's too damn dirty, like I said, and that's a fact." Wid's cabin itself was in general appearance no better, if no worse, than the average in the Two Forks Valley.

Now and again he paused and leaned against the fence. He was in much pain alike of body and of mind. He saw Wid himself turn out at his gate and approach him; dreaded the grin on Wid's face even before he saw it. "Well, there, neighbor," said the oncomer. "You're out at last. How's everything?" Sim looked down at his bandaged leg with a gesture. "How come that?"

He did not even go over to say good-by. In the meantime Annie Squires, not backward in her relations with mankind, again engaged Wid Gardner in conversation as they stood at the edge of the yard, and Wid's downcast head bespoke his lack of happiness at what he heard. "I never in all my born days saw a joint like this," said Annie, her dark eyes snapping.