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The next morning the cook's "Whoo-ee!" called the men before the dawn, and they were away while the first flushes presaged the sunrise. It seemed that day that the tortuous tote-road would never end. Valley succeeded to "horseback" and "horseback" to valley. Woods miles are long miles.

"Let's see who'll be the first one in!" called Whoo-ee, as he began to run. "Oh, don't leave us behind," begged Thorny and Zunga. "Oh, that's the way with girls always making a fuss!" complained Gumble-umble. "Why can't you run like we boys do?" "Because you're bigger and stronger than we are," said Zunga. "Well, we're not going to wait for you," said Gumble-umble.

Whoo-ee was a boy elephant, and he had that name, because he used to make a funny sound, almost like his name, when he whistled through his trunk. Gumble-umble was another boy elephant, and he was called that because he grumbled, or found fault, so often. Thorny was a girl elephant, and she got her name, because she was so fond of eating the tender, juicy leaves from the thorn tree.

"Whoo-ee!" she cried in perfect ecstasy, as we paused in breathless admiration. "Clear the track there, old folks young folks! fer Mary Alice Smith and David Mason Jeffries is come to town!" O what a day that was!