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An hour later they cleared the divide, dipped down past the Bald Buttes through a sharp elbow-canyon, and took the steep open slope that dropped into Porcupine Creek. Shorty, in the lead, stopped abruptly, and Smoke whoaed the dogs. Beneath them, coming up, was a procession of humans, scattered and draggled, a quarter of a mile long. "They move like it was a funeral," Shorty noted.

About four miles out uv town 'nd right in the middle uv the hot peraroor they met Moses Baker's oldest boy trudgin' along with a basket uv eggs. The Dock whoaed his hoss 'nd called to the boy, "Where be you goin' with them eggs?" says he. "Goin' to town to sell 'em," says the boy. "How much a dozen?" asked the Dock. "'Bout ten cents, I reckon," says the boy.

Could any enterprise be more hopeless than the one my heart, against all the strivings of sense and reason, was beginning to set me? Through the open lattice I watched the flicker of lanterns in the yard, where the horses were being upped and whoaed stablewards. "You will favour me, sir, with your escort into supper," said Margaret. This brought me to myself with a jerk.

I whoaed up and she made as if to climb out. "He may not get out of Dubuque to-day," I said. "He said so. And for you to wait here alone, with all these movers going by, and with no place to stay to-night will be a pretty pokerish thing to do."