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His library on criminology will be a revelation, even to you." And Hastings, largely because he shrank from seeming ungracious, had accepted Mr. Sloane's subsequent invitation. Climbing now into the old-fashioned four-poster bed, he thought again of his conversation-spree and longed for self-justification. He sat up, sheetless, reflecting: "As a week-ender, I'm a fine old chatter-box!

"Did he say anything to anybody at his rooms about going away? for the week-end, for instance?" asked the detective. "There'd be somebody there, of course." "Only a woman who tidied up for him and got his breakfast ready of a morning," said Simmons. "He took all his other meals out. No he said nothing to her. But he wasn't a week-ender: he very rarely left his rooms except for the office."

They gossiped of the Patton Kerrs and the Berkshires; of the difference between the professional English week-ender and the American, who still has something of the naïve provincial delight of "going visiting"; of New York and the Dunleavys. But their talk lulled to a nervous hush.

"I've looked over the lot," he said, "and there isn't a week-ender among 'em." Upon the general laugh that drew Hermione and Captain Beeching into the group, Jean precipitated herself gaily into the conversation. 'Have they told you about Mrs. Freddy's friend who came to tea here in the winter? she asked Hermione.