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I exclaimed, as I poured the precious gift of four quarts of pure new milk out into a deep pan. I had not asked him had never said that the poor weanling wanted milk. It was the courtesy of a gentleman of a man of benevolence and refinement. For weeks did my strange, silent friend steal in, take up the empty jar, and supply its place with another replenished with milk.

Into the old farmhouse I tottered, like a weanling child, with mother in her common clothes, helping me along, yet fearing, except by stealth, to look at me. 'I have killed him, was all I said; 'even as he killed Lorna. Now let me see my wife, mother. She belongs to me none the less, though dead.

A less-trained eye would have seen only the daub, just as a poor judge of horse-flesh might see only awkward joints and long legs in a weanling colt, though it be bred in the purple. "Samson," he said, earnestly, "that's all there is to art. It's the power to feel the poetry of color. The rest can be taught.

Into the old farmhouse I tottered, like a weanling child, with mother in her common clothes, helping me along, yet fearing, except by stealth, to look at me. "I have killed him," was all I said; "even as he killed Lorna. Now let me see my wife, mother. She belongs to me none the less, though dead."

At first he expostulates, accusing the slave of the brother, who has mistaken his identity, of being crazy and offers to exorcise him by a sacrifice of weanling pigs, wherefore he asks the question quoted in the text. Varro was evidently fond of this passage, as he quotes it again, post, p. 221.