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Francis went down to the station with his auto to get the Duc and Duchesse d'Albufera, who had promised to come for the Comédie and dinner. They are neighbours, and have a beautiful place not very far off Montgobert, in the heart of the Villers-Cotteret forest.

Just beyond, the long stretches of green pasture lands, cut every now and then by narrow lanes with apple trees and hawthorn in flower, and the canal winding along between the green walls of poplars the whole hemmed in by the dark blue line of the Villers-Cotteret forest, which makes a grand sweep on the horizon. It was lovely driving back to Mareuil, toward the bright sunset clouds.

Who he might be, why we should be here, how our mysterious, conductor who knew no one in Villers-Cotteret and had but landed there himself that night had arranged this occupation, was beyond finding out.

We went out in the square to see our shells, monsieur!" What mattered the ruins of her home? "Our" shells had returned vengeance. Arrows with directions in German, "This way to the river," "This way to Villers-Cotteret," were chalked on the standing walls; and on door- casings the names of the detachments of the Prussian Guard billeted there, all in systematic Teutonic fashion.