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On the trial the evidence revealed such a mass of iniquity, such a complete subversion of the natural proprietary feelings of manhood in the objects of its love, such systematic worship of beastly sin, as must for ever give the Vallabhacharyas pre-eminence among those who have manufactured authority for crime out of the laws of virtue.

These are Epicureans who have quite exceeded, as well in their formal creeds as in their actual practices, the wildest dreams of any of those mortals who have endeavored to make a religion of luxury. They are called Vallabhacharyas, from Vallabha, the name of their founder, who dates from 1479, and acharya, a "leader."

For the Vallabhacharyas derive their scriptural sanction from the eighth book of the Bhagavata Purana, which they have completely falsified from its true meaning in their translation called the Prem Sagar, or "Ocean of Love." You saw the son? In twenty years for these people cannot last long trade and cunning and the riot of all the senses will have made him what you saw the father."

He made me retrace my steps to the banker's office: "There he is." He was the image of the son in feature, yet his face was as repulsive as his son's was beautiful: the Devil after the fall, compared with the angel he was before it, would have presented just such a contrast. "They are two Vallabhacharyas," said my companion as we walked away.