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"I came here for a water-cat, and a water-cat I'm going to have. You don't find those in wooded areas." "There will be a schedule," Hume announced. "Each of you has signed up, according to contract, for a different trophy. You for a water-cat, Gentlehomo. And you, Gentlehomo Starns, want to make tri-dees of the pit-dragons. While Gentlehomo Yactisi wishes to try electo fishing in the deep holes.

So we make them gifts." He laughed, evidently recalling some incident. "Sometimes, perhaps, we are too eager. Most of our visitors who wish to make tri-dees want to picture big game graz, amplet, rock apes, lions " "Lions?" echoed Dane. "Not Terran lions, no. But my people, when they landed on Khatka, found a few animals that reminded them of those they had always known.

Dane asked as they rounded that mess on their way to the ladder. Rip's voice came back through the helmet com. "Nothing we know how to interpret. I wish Frank or Craig had had a chance to check. We took tri-dees of everything before we dumped. Maybe they can learn something from these when " His voice trailed off leaving that "when" to ring in both their minds. It was such an important "when."

Dane, remembering the hot glare of the Xecho spaceport, the sea one could not swim in, contrasted that with the tri-dees he had seen of the green hunters' paradise on the next planet of the system. "Yes, sir!" he echoed and made a haphazard choice for the cooker. "Don't be too lighthearted," Tau warned.