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With a view to abating somewhat the horrors of this recurring season of depravity, it has been proposed by several wise and decent Tamtonians to extend the term of office of the Tnediserp to six years instead of five, but the sharpeners of axes are too powerful to be overthrown.

Each congenital idiot whom the ax-grinders name for the office of Tnediserp has upon the "ticket" with him a dead man, who stands or falls with his leader. There is no way of voting for the idiot without voting for the corpse also, and vice versa.

The sentiment which this wise and decent phrase expresses has long ceased to have a place in the hearts of those who are everlastingly repeating it, but with regard to the office of Tnediserp it has still a remnant of the vitality of habit.

In his private business a Tamtonian has as high appreciation of fitness and experience as anybody, and having secured a good man keeps him in service as long as possible. The ruler of the nation, whom they call a Tnediserp, is chosen every five years but may be rechosen for five more. He is supposed to be selected by the people themselves, but in reality they have nothing to do with his selection.

The method of choosing a man for Tnediserp is so strange that I doubt my ability to make it clear. The adult male population of the island divides itself into two or more seitrap Commonly there are three or four, but only two ever have any considerable numerical strength, and none is ever strong morally or intellectually.

At the same time that each ytrap is supplied with its political opinions for the next five years, its leaders who, I am told, all pursue the vocation of sharpening axes name a man whom they wish chosen for the office of Tnediserp. He is usually an idiot from birth, the Tamtonians having a great veneration for such, believing them to be divinely inspired.