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Frederic, though unconscious of the Thyestean nature of the banquet, still looked round for the dog; and, not perceiving him, began to call out, "Fox! Fox! where hast thou hidden thyself?" "Tranquillise yourself," said De Breze. "Do not suppose that I have not...." In the deep where Prospero has dropped his wand are now irrevocably buried the humour and the pathos of this cynophagous banquet.

The charge of Thyestean banquets scarcely lasts a hundred years; but, while pagan witnesses are to be found, the Church is accused of superstition. Now what is meant by the word thus attached by a consensus of heathen authorities to Christianity?

Plenty of people there will be without us, country gentlemen in search of a club, demagogues in search of a tub, lawyers in search of a place, industrialists in search of gentility, who will come from the east and from the west, and will sit down at that Thyestean banquet of clap-trap, which English public life for these many years past has been.

Even among the peasantry, we read of Thyestean banquets and mutual assassination on the widest scale. Let us look at an instance.

Frederic, though unconscious of the Thyestean nature of the banquet, still looked round for the dog; and, not perceiving him, began to call out, "Fox! Fox! where hast thou hidden thyself?" "Tranquillise yourself," said De Breze. "Do not suppose that I have not . . . ." In the deep where Prospero has dropped his wand are now irrevocably buried the humour and the pathos of this cynophagous banquet.