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'That thought-reading night at Lady Charlotte's, on the way home, he spoke to me. I said I loved him. I did love him; I let him kiss me! Her flush had quite faded. He could hardly tell whether she was yielding or defiant as the words burst from her. An expression, half trouble, half compunction, came into his face.

'That thought-reading night at Lady Charlotte's, on the way home, he spoke to me. I said I loved him. I did love him; I let him kiss me! Her flush had quite faded. He could hardly tell whether she was yielding or defiant as the words burst from her. An expression, half trouble, half compunction, came into his face.

The next morning Lewisham learnt from Lagune that his intuition was correct, that Ethel had at last succumbed to pressure and consented to attempt thought-reading. "We made a good beginning," said Lagune, rubbing his hands. "I am sure we shall do well with her. Certainly she has powers. I have always felt it in her face. She has powers."

And highest on top of the hill, and facing the centre of the regiment, the slate-coloured tent of the Colonel, commanding every foot of the camp. "Yes," said a voice behind him, "and you'll find it just that way throughout the army." Crittenden turned in surprise, and the ubiquitous Grafton went on as though the little trick of thought-reading were too unimportant for notice.

The "something" however, was neither second-sight nor thought-reading, but a very simple, tangible "something."

The world throbs and thrills about her, the crowd beside her is all unreal, the air is full of whisper, of romance. The thought-reading followed its usual course. A murder and its detection were given in dumb show. Then it was the turn of card-guessing, bank-note-finding, and the various other forms of telepathic hide and seek. Mr.