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A minute of suspense and it swooped down again with two girls in it. I felt as if it were a thing I oughtn't to be seeing somehow; it was so much like spying on the digestive apparatus of a skeleton. "You see," explained Mrs. Ess Kay, "the Taylours and other people were frightfully anxious to get in.

His genealogy begins with those 'taylours' who, in the nineteenth year of Henry VII, 'sewyd the Kynge to be callyd Marchante Taylours' evidently earning the disfavor of their neighbors, for a 'grete grudge rose among dyuers other craftys in the cyte against them. Very soon, I fancy, these Marchante Taylours began to pride themselves on the straightness of their legs, and let subordinate craftsmen stretch their sartorius muscles.

And by that, is there sette a table of like sorte in euery poincte: for sise, stuffe, and gorgeousnes. They haue but one temple, all of white stone, builte vpon pilours, grauen, and embossed, thre hundred and xxxviii. taylours yardes square, that is to saye, euen of lengthe and bredthe, euery waye so muche.

Quhiles the hawk hes, and whiles he hunger hes. Quha may hold that will away? Quhen wine is in, wits out. Quhair stands your great horse? Quhen a man is full of lust, his wemb is full of leasing. Quhen the good-wife is fra hame, the keys are tint. Quhen the Steed is stoon, steik the stable-door. Quhen Taylours are true, there is little good to shew. Quhiles thou, whiles I, soe goes the Baillerie.