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I had often heard it when paddling softly up one of the wild Malayan rivers. It was the death cry of a wah-wah monkey facing the cruel jaws of a crocodile. I plunged my fingers into my ears to smother the sound. I understood it all now. Baboo's pirates, the dreaded Orang Kayah's rebels, were the troop of monkeys we had heard the night before in the tambusa trees. "Baboo," I shouted, "come here!

Now the Boer whom Tambusa let go against my wish said that you are a mighty magician as well as a very dangerous man, one who can shoot birds flying on the wing with a bullet, which is impossible. Can you do so?" "Sometimes," I answered. "Very good, Macumazahn. Now we will see if you are a wizard or a liar. I will make a bet with you.

Then Kambula rose and said: "O king, this is the Son of George, whom you commanded me to capture. "I remember," said Dingaan. "The big Boer who was here, and whom Tambusa" he was one of Dingaan's captains "let go against my will, said that he was a terrible man who should be killed before he worked great harm to my people.

Presently we reached the head of the dancing ground, and found Dingaan seated in his chair with two of his great indunas, Umhlela and Tambusa, squatting on either side of him. Behind him, standing in and about the entrance to the labyrinth through which the king had come, were other indunas and captains.