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He believes I shall be hard put to it to give the kingdom a clear and satisfactory answer. It is well that this is the hardest task he could set me. The truth is, his syllogism hath quatuor terminos, and is therefore worthy to be exploded by all that know the laws of disputation.

Our general here ordered Escobar to examine the Boca de Terminos, and, as the fleet was at this time separated, to leave beacons or directions on the coast for the direction of the other ships, or to cruize off that inlet till the missing ships should arrive; for he was led to believe this a favourable place for the settlement of a colony, from the description of the harbour, and the abundance of game which was reported to be in its neighbourhood.

No creo que haya dejado de expresar deliberadamente en términos más poéticos y exactos la posición de nuestros adversarios, y al decir "de nuestros adversarios" yo incluyo a la innumerable legión de mujeres que titubean aún en pedir el sufragio por consideraciones que no si llamarlas egoístas.

Let him also take a most Christian kingly, vigorous resolution against the great affront put upon him in the failure to carry out the treaty. Such a resolve on the part of the two kings would restore all things to tranquillity and bring the Spaniard and his adherents 'in terminos modestiae.

Let him also take a most Christian kingly, vigorous resolution against the great affront put upon him in the failure to carry out the treaty. Such a resolve on the part of the two kings would restore all things to tranquillity and bring the Spaniard and his adherents 'in terminos modestiae.

Continuing along the coast to the westwards from Boca de Terminos, we arrived in three days at another inlet called the river of Tabasco, from a cacique in the neighbourhood, but which we named Rio de Grijalva, in honour of our captain.