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Please let me know whether I should inquire any longer about all of this! Yours, Alex. Syv." Sunday she came back from the trip. I felt quite lonesome all of this week.

The situation would be better if the soldiers from the detachment had been paid; but since last September they have not been, so discontent is growing. Colonel Kobylinsky's behavior seems to be strange. The Ufa movement is gaining in strength. Yours, Al. Syv."

Yours, Alex. Syv." "As I told you in one of my letters, the actions of some people in Tobolsk are more or less significant. Father A. Vassiliev has become welcome to the Emperor and has all of his confidence.

On the other hand, it astonishes me exceedingly, that Lucie.... and he arranged for my protection and undisturbed life here, so seemingly everything is in perfect accordance. You never answer my letters, but couldn't you manage to acknowledge them? Please do it. Yours, Alex. Syv." "I have been here so long!... Isn't it funny, Alex, how the time has passed?"

Once only, when Kobylinsky was changing sentinels he bumped into the Emperor, and the latter said' "Still a Colonel?" That was really a sarcastic remark! Of course, now with the Bolshevik! everything has changed and the Family's position is very bad. I am well, send me some very thick socks if you happen to have an opportunity. Greetings. Attached a map of Tobolsk. Yours, Al. Syv."