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Updated: January 25, 2025

Jane came in one day and found me prostrate on my couch, with a light of sufering in my eyes. "Dearest!" cried Jane, and gliding to my side, fell on her knees. "Jane!" "What is it? You are ill?" I could hardly more than whisper. In a low tone I said: "He is dead." "Dearest!" "Drowned!" At first she thought I meant a member of my Familey. But when she understood she looked serious.

I must tell you to what a dredful point you are gilty, and the horror of the position to which you have brought me. Henry, you knew what I sufered from my first wrong-doing, and yet you plunged me into the same misery, and then abbandoned me to my dispair and sufering. Yes, I will say it, the belif I had that you loved me and esteemed me gave me corage to bare my fate. But now, what have I left?

I must tell you to what a dredful point you are gilty, and the horror of the position to which you have brought me. Henry, you knew what I sufered from my first wrong-doing, and yet you plunged me into the same misery, and then abbandoned me to my dispair and sufering. Yes, I will say it, the belif I had that you loved me and esteemed me gave me corage to bare my fate. But now, what have I left?

The Hon. sent Sis a huge bunch of orkids today. She refused me even one. She is always tight with flowers and candy. JANUARY 19TH. The paper says that Adrian's Play is going to close the end of next week. No busness. How can I endure to know that he is sufering, and that I cannot help, even to the extent of buying one ticket? Matinee today, and no money. Father still away.

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