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At the moment he was smiling, for it was always a pleasure to see his pretty sister-in-law, and to-night Edith's anxious looks had departed, and she skipped by his side as eager and excited as the boys themselves. "Dad, dad, has there been any more 'splosions?" "Hasn't there been no fearful doings on in the world, daddy?" "Jack! Jack! I've got a new tonic. It has done me such a lot of good!"

The negro would have laughed aloud, but the danger of choking was too great; he therefore laughed internally an operation which could not be fully understood unless seen. "'Splosions of Perboewatan," may suggest the thing. Sorrow, grief whatever it was that habitually afflicted that monkey disappeared for the time being, while it devoted itself heart and soul to dinner.

The negro would have laughed aloud, but the danger of choking was too great; he therefore laughed internally an operation which could not be fully understood unless seen. "'Splosions of Perboewatan," may suggest the thing. Sorrow, grief whatever it was that habitually afflicted that monkey disappeared for the time being, while it devoted itself heart and soul to dinner.

"I dare say, indeed, doctor," said a credulous looking youth, who was rubbing his unshaved chin and lips with the broad back of a sunburnt hand, "ye must have interestin' sights now and then doctor, though wan 'ud think there wudd'nt be much fuss in a place like this, barrin' it comes from folks' own contrariness, like Michael Doyle's daughter to-day the world knows if they'd stuck to the old style, like their dacenter neighbors, and burnt their safe tallow candles, Maggie Doyle wuddn't be shrivelled up to a crisp to-night from coal ile 'splosions.