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Meseemeth no one of these Southland Cities shall we behold, and no more of the Southlanders than their war-array." "These are evil words," said Wolfkettle, "though such an outcome must be thought on. But why deemest thou this?" Said the Beaming: "There is no Hall-Sun sitting under our Roof at home to tell true tales concerning the Kindred every day.

Quinton Edge heard, and turned to face the people. "It is true," he said, and gripped hard upon the rail on which his hand rested. "A child's trick it was, but the Southlanders are men of smooth tongue and our brothers were encumbered with the cattle and perhaps overconfident now that their faces were turned at last towards home.

Six-score brave men" he stopped and swallowed at something in his throat. "The ambuscade was well-planned, and the Southlanders had enlisted the aid of the Painted Men, to their shame be it said. So our brethren found themselves hemmed in at every point. Yet they sold their lives at a good price, and they are mourning to-day in the Southland, even as we here.

About the beginning of August, he observed two boats steering towards the south, and made signals: these were not noticed by the first, which passed on; but the second approached and took him in. They were southlanders from Kippolak, with whom he was obliged to go on to the south, and remain there till the ice was strong enough to admit of his travelling to Hopedale.