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The Prussian authorities, in the course of sundry administrative reforms inaugurated by them, had appointed a German Sous-Prefect, and although this step did not put an end to the exactions to which the city was subjected, the new official showed himself to be comparatively reasonable.

We had seen quite enough of underground places for one day, and were glad to pass on into the more livable portion of the castle, which is now inhabited by the sous-prefect of the district, and from thence into the open, where we stopped to rest under the wide-spreading chestnut tree planted here by Francis I so many years since.

Show us to his bedroom!" "I swear to you, Monsieur le Sous-prefect, he is not here! he " "I swear to you, Monsieur le Garcon, he is. He slept here he didn't find your bed comfortable he came to us to complain of it here he is among my men and here am I ready to look for a flea or two in his bedstead. Renaudin! Now, then, gentlemen, let us walk upstairs!"

Show us to his bedroom!" "I swear to you, Monsieur le Sous-prefect, he is not here! he " "I swear to you, Monsieur le Garçon, he is. He slept here he didn't find your bed comfortable he came to us to complain of it here he is among my men and here am I ready to look for a flea or two in his bedstead. Renaudin! Now, then, gentlemen, let us walk upstairs!"

All Tournon was down at the water-side to meet us, and on the landing-stage was the very Mayor: a lean and tri-coloured man who took off his hat comprehensively to our whole company in a magnificent bow. Notables were with him the Sous-Prefect, the Mayor of Tain, the Adjoint, leading citizens who also bowed to us; but not with a bow like his!