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Strict, downright, dirty business was the order of the day. The manager Jim Urquhart, grey-bearded, in a battered felt hat and a slouchy old tweed suit stood by the sorter's table, his wide-ranging, vigilant eye suddenly fixed upon it.

"Aaron Wall's Magnificent Double Show," repeated Agnes, carefully. "There was another came Twomley & Sorter's Herculean Circus and Menagerie; but we didn't see that one." The boy listened as though he considered the answer of some importance. At the end he sighed. "No; I never went to a circus," he repeated. "But you're just wonderful," Agnes declared. "I never saw a boy like you."

These were then carried over and dumped on the sorter's table, who examined them carefully and placed anything promising to one side. But for three weeks nothing of any value was found. The small specimens that were obtained were disposed of to the dealers who daily visited every camp and digging. The amount derived from their sales barely kept the diggers in provisions.

The name of Twomley & Sorter's Herculean Circus and Menagerie struck a cord of memory in Agnes' mind. It was one of the two shows that had exhibited at Milton the season before. This man said that Neale had run away from this show. He claimed his name was really Neale Sorber! And all the time Neale had denied any knowledge of circuses. Or, had he done just that?

She left her husband at the sorter's table, that he and Jim might get reacquainted men never learned to know each other while women were in the way and it seemed to them both a long time before she came back. Claud asked questions about the clip, and other matters of business; and he criticised the manager's management. "Rather behind the times isn't it? for a place like Redford.

A wind was sucking through the archway with an audible whine: the guard might not hear me. The sorter's desk. He came in. I murmured Hanley's rating. "Rush. Danger. Special." It went swiftly through. Hanley, thank Heaven, was at his desk. I plugged in my little image finder; held it over my head; turned it slowly. I whispered: "Look around, Chief. See where I am? Near Nareda; couple of miles out.