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He pressed your cases before the courts, he gained pensions for you from the king; he put your children by droves in the Piarist136 schools, and paid for their clothes, board, and lodging; when they grew up he even got places for them, also at his own expense. Why did he do this? Because he was your neighbour. To-day Soplica’s landmarks touch your borders; what good has he ever done you?”

With the character of this person the description of Jacek Soplica’s early years agrees as closely as his name. Yet one of that hated family he now made the hero of his greatest poem. By introducing him in the guise of Father Robak, repentant and striving to atone for past misdeeds through heroic service to his country, he infused into his poem a romantic charm.

But how about the assessors? and the police-captain? and the prison? For in the village near Soplica’s house there are heaps of soldiers, all yagers! The Assessor is at the house; he need only whistle, and they will march right up and stand there ready for action. And what will happen then? But if you are expecting the French, why the French are still far off, a long road.

Hence also, except for Breughelnot Van der Helle, but the landscapist, for there are two Breughels55and except for Ruysdael, in the whole north where has there been a landscape artist of the first rank? The sky, the sky is necessary.” “Our painter Orlowski,”56 interrupted Telimena, “had a Soplica’s taste.