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Oh! my lads, do spring slap-jacks and quahogs for supper, you know, my lads baked clams and muffins oh, do, do, spring, he's a hundred barreler don't lose him now don't oh, don't! see that Yarman Oh, won't ye pull for your duff, my lads such a sog! such a sogger! Don't ye love sperm? There goes three thousand dollars, men! a bank! a whole bank! The bank of England! Oh, do, do, do!

Oh! my lads, DO spring slap-jacks and quahogs for supper, you know, my lads baked clams and muffins oh, DO, DO, spring, he's a hundred barreller don't lose him now don't oh, DON'T! see that Yarman Oh, won't ye pull for your duff, my lads such a sog! such a sogger! Don't ye love sperm? There goes three thousand dollars, men! a bank! a whole bank! The bank of England!

"I was settin' here in a sog like, and didn't hear ye. It's a master-night, and we're goin' to have good weather to-morrow. If yaou want to try it ag'in, ye're welcome. "Sam? Sartin; he's goin'. Him and me's jest like the figger ten: if yaou haul off the one we ain't good for nothin'. If yaou want to see a faithful friend, jest clap yer eyes on Sam Whittlefield.

Sometimes we wander beside the streamlet which goes a mile into the coombe the shadow is deep and cool in the vast groove of the hill, the shadow accumulates there, and is pressed by its own weight up slowly as far as the 'sog, or peaty place where the spring rises, and where the sundew grows.