United States or Eswatini ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

One night we smash'd our jailer's skull, and off our boat did steer, And in the offing were pick'd up by a jolly privateer; We sail'd in her the cruise, my boys, and prizes did take we, I'll be at Portsmouth soon, thinks I, with Susan on my knee. We shared three hundred pounds a man, I made all sail with glee, Again I danced and toss'd my can, With Susan on my knee.

In a few hours perhaps before the next meal the secesh generals, with their victorious hordes, will be upon us. The dream of humanity, the vaunted Union we thought so strong, so impregnable lo! it seems already smash'd like a china plate. One bitter, bitter hour perhaps proud America will never again know such an hour. She must pack and fly no time to spare.

Disliking the liquor, and angry at the attempt to overbear him, the undaunted child lifted his hand and struck the arm of the sailor with a blow so sudden that the glass fell and was smash'd to pieces on the floor; while the brandy was about equally divided between the face of Charles, the clothes of the sailor, and the sand.

Yeou know, if they feound it out, we'd be smash'd." Her terms were ten dollars a week. Highfalutin & Co. paid six, but she understood the business a great deal better now than when she made the bargain with them. The agent thought the price rather high, but finally consented to contract at that figure.