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And your name will go out to the railroad world as that of a man who bit off a number of large things that he couldn't chew." "Confound you!" said Ford; and after that, Frisbie could get no more than single-syllabled replies to his monologue of Job's comfortings. The returning route was a detour, winding, through the greater part of it, among and over the swelling heights north of the Pannikin.

And now, only the extent of one little word stood between her and an unthinkable condition. That a whole life should be steered down one channel or another oh, what immeasurably separated channels! by one's breath in a single-syllabled word "You don't answer!" a voice was saying irritably. She started.

Yet again I call the flight-commander's attention to our dwindling numbers, and this time I cannot mistake the single-syllabled reply. It is a full-throated "Hell!" For my part I compare the party to the ten little nigger boys, and wonder when the only survivor, apart from our own machine, will leave. I look towards it anxiously.

Demorest fancied, too, that there was a little of the old fighting look in his eye, but it softened quickly as his friend approached, and he burst out with his curt but honest single-syllabled laugh. "Ha! You look a little less like a roving Apache than you did when you came. I really thought the waiters were going to chuck you. And you ARE tanned!