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He had enough broken bones without taking on more risks. If only she had flaxen hair like Kimberly's, he thought, then he would not hesitate a moment. He would swoop her up in one hand and carry her up to the highest cloud. "Will you go north to Luang Prabong?" "I don't know. I am not really here to sightsee. Just here to simplify existence, relax " "Drink beer?" "Wine preferably."

Joe, would you mind leading a little bit less adventurous life for a while? While I'm around?" He managed to grin. But he still did not feel right. "Nothing I can do until I can look at the plane," he said, changing the subject, "and I can't find the Chief until tonight. Could we sightsee a little?" She nodded. They went out from under the intricate framework that upheld the Platform.

He seemed to be breathing in deeply the impression of fountains, sculpture, leafy' avenues and long-drawn architectural distances fading into the afternoon haze. "I suppose you've been to that old church over there?" he went on, his gold-topped stick pointing toward the towers of Notre Dame. "Oh, of course; when I used to sightsee. Have you never been to Paris before?"

In accordance with the mandates of travel guidebooks to see as many sites as possible regardless whether or not such brief exposure was in fact true experience, they would no doubt sightsee by day and then in evenings release their communal and sexual yearnings by drinking "Beerlaos" with their kind, eating western meals, frequenting nightclubs, and returning with partners to hotel rooms that were some of the most nominal within world capitals that or some such agenda before going to Luang Prabang and the Plain of Jars.