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A similar connexion of meaning may be found in the Greek word 'belos, which corresponds to our 'telum, and which is derived from 'ballesthai, to throw, as we learn from Xenophon, who writes, 'they carried with them 'belei, namely spears, bows and arrows, slings, and large numbers of stones. 'Sicarius, or assassin, is derived from 'sica, a long steel knife.

Flaccus the great banker, notably, would spare no pains to bring the responsibility of the matter home, not merely to the poor wretch who struck the blow, but the persons who placed the weapon in his hands. All of which would be very awkward for Ahenobarbus. No, your rough-and-ready plan won't in the least work." Sicarius.

If you have been such a rover of wood and river as you tell us of, you know how to play the Sicarius: there lies your object, drunk or asleep, we know not which; you will deal with him in either case." "Will you give me no odds to stab a stupefied or drunken man, most noble centurion?" answered the Greek. "You would perhaps love the commission yourself?" he continued, somewhat ironically.

S. Sicarius, whose relics were the great "draw" to Brantome in the Middle Ages, was supposed to have been one of the Innocents slain by Herod; and the relics were also supposed to have been given to the abbey by Charlemagne.