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Troops 'she United States 'bout to enter shis lovely metropolis wish all pomp and shircumshtance 'reassherted 'thority. 'Shtonishin' event; wonderful 'casion. Never happened 'fore; probably never'll happen again. Ought to be 'propriately celebrated, Abe!"

Shtacks an' cords of it. Old times when King went out t'meet him, wish shtyle pile on bigger'n a haystack. Fact. Clothes finer'n a peacock. Tendered him keys, freed'm city. All shat short shing. Ver' impreshive shpectacle. Everybody felt better'n for improvin' sight. Undershtand? We'll be Lord Mayor and train for shis London. We can rig out right here. Our trouseau's here in shis hair trunk."

In my time girls had to work like men.” The broom gave the accompaniment of shis, shis, shis. “And lived as secluded as nuns.” And the broom went shis, shis, shis. “Now they are a pack of fools.” Shis, shis. “Of idlers.” Shis, shis. “And think of nothing but husbands. Shis, shis. “And are a lot of good-for-nothings.” The broom following with its chorus.

Country 'spects every man to do his duty. Undershtand?" Abe sank down on a bench, leaned his head against the wall, and looked at his companion with one eye closed wearily. "Yesshir," Kent resumed, summoning up a new supply of oratorical energy, and an official gravity beneath which his legs trembeled. "Name shis town's London. Shame name's big town 'cross ocean. Lots history c'nected wish name.

That gentleman made a strong effort to control joints which seemed unmanageable, and succeeded in assuming a tolerable erectness, while he blinked at his companion with stolid gravity. "Abe, shis ish great 'casion. Greatest in she annalsh of she country. We're only represhentatives Government in she town. Burden whole shing fallsh on us. Understand? We musht do everyshing. Understand?