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But suppose that the design of God involved the perfecting of men as the CHILDREN OF GOD 'I said ye are gods, that he would have them partakers of his own blessedness in kind be as himself; suppose his grand idea could not be contented with creatures perfect ONLY by his gift, so far as that should reach, and having no willing causal share in the perfection, that is, partaking not at all of God's individuality and free-will and choice of good; then suppose that suffering were the only way through which the individual could be set, in separate and self-individuality, so far apart from God, that it might WILL, and so become a partaker of his singleness and freedom; and suppose that this suffering must be and had been initiated by God's taking his share, and that the infinitely greater share; suppose next, that God saw the germ of a pure affection, say in your friend and his wife, but saw also that it was a germ so imperfect and weak that it could not encounter the coming frosts and winds of the world without loss and decay, while, if they were parted now for a few years, it would grow and strengthen and expand, to the certainty of an infinitely higher and deeper and keener love through the endless ages to follow so that by suffering should come, in place of contented decline, abortion, and death, a troubled birth of joyous result in health and immortality; suppose all this, and what then?"

But suppose that the design of God involved the perfecting of men as the CHILDREN OF GOD 'I said ye are gods, that he would have them partakers of his own blessedness in kind be as himself; suppose his grand idea could not be contented with creatures perfect ONLY by his gift, so far as that should reach, and having no willing causal share in the perfection, that is, partaking not at all of God's individuality and free-will and choice of good; then suppose that suffering were the only way through which the individual could be set, in separate and self-individuality, so far apart from God, that it might WILL, and so become a partaker of his singleness and freedom; and suppose that this suffering must be and had been initiated by God's taking his share, and that the infinitely greater share; suppose next, that God saw the germ of a pure affection, say in your friend and his wife, but saw also that it was a germ so imperfect and weak that it could not encounter the coming frosts and winds of the world without loss and decay, while, if they were parted now for a few years, it would grow and strengthen and expand, to the certainty of an infinitely higher and deeper and keener love through the endless ages to follow so that by suffering should come, in place of contented decline, abortion, and death, a troubled birth of joyous result in health and immortality; suppose all this, and what then?"