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"'Perhaps you'd like a few pieces? says I. "'Faith and I should; for to tell you the secred thrut, I've not tasted mate these four days. "'Well then, Ensign, it IS true, says I; 'and as for meat, you shall have some at the first cook-shop. I bade the coach stop until he bought a plateful, which he ate in the carriage, for my time was precious.

This Hayes is well to do in the world, and " "And we'll nab him again ha, ha!" roared out Macshane. "By my secred honour, Meejor, there never was a gineral like you at a strathyjam!" "Peace, you bellowing donkey, and don't wake the child. The man is well to do, his wife rules him, and they have no children.

And having stated that it was his firm intention to "dthraw next Sathurday, I give ye me secred word and honour next Sathurday, the fourteenth, when ye'll see the money will be handed over to me at Coutts's, the very instant I present the cheque," the Captain would not unfrequently propose to borrow a half-crown of his friend until the arrival of that day of Greek Calends, when, on the honour of an officer and gentleman, he would repee the thrifling obligetion.

When his mother gave Galgenstein the laudanum, she had the self-same look with her!" "Had she really now?" said Mr. Macshane. "And pree, Meejor, who WAS his mother?" "Mrs. Cat, you fool!" answered Wood. "Then, upon my secred word of honour, she has a mighty fine KITTEN anyhow, my dear. Aha!" "They don't DROWN such kittens," said Mr.

"Count de Galgenstein by name, who, on the point of death, recommended the infant to me." "And did he pay you seven years' boarding?" said Mr. Billings, who was quite alive at the very idea. "Alas, sir, not a jot! He died, sir, six hundred pounds in my debt; didn't he, Ensign?" "Six hundred, upon my secred honour! I remember when he got into the house along with the poli "