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To the east of Saraka, O chief of the Kurus, there is an auspicious tirtha known by the name of Anajanma, of the high-souled Narada. He that bathes there, O Bharata, obtaineth, after death, at the command of Narada various unrivalled regions. One should next proceed, on the tenth day of the lighted fortnight, to the tirtha called Pundarika.

Stamboul, Galata, Pera, and Scutari, with every suburban village and resort for many a mile around, can be seen to perfection from the commanding height of Saraka Tower.

To the east of Saraka, O chief of the Kurus, there is an auspicious tirtha known by the name of Anajanma, of the high-souled Narada. He that bathes there, O Bharata, obtaineth, after death, at the command of Narada various unrivalled regions. One should next proceed, on the tenth day of the lighted fortnight, to the tirtha called Pundarika.

O son of the Kuru race, in Saraka and Rudrakoti as also in the well and the lakes that are there, thirty millions of tirthas are present. There in that tirtha, O chief of the Bharatas, is another called Ilaspada. Bathing there and worshipping the gods and the Pitris, one never sinketh into hell but obtaineth the fruit of the Vajapeya sacrifice.

Proceeding next to the inaccessible tirtha called Kedara of Kapila, and burning one's sins there by ascetic penances, one acquireth the power of disappearance at will. One should next proceed, O king, to the celebrated tirtha called Saraka, and beholding Mahadeva there on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, one obtaineth all his wishes and goeth also into heaven.

Proceeding next to the inaccessible tirtha called Kedara of Kapila, and burning one's sins there by ascetic penances, one acquireth the power of disappearance at will. One should next proceed, O king, to the celebrated tirtha called Saraka, and beholding Mahadeva there on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, one obtaineth all his wishes and goeth also into heaven.

That chastiser of foes, Karna, also, O king, having obtained the command, ordered the troops to be arrayed, at the rise of the Sun. Surrounded by thy sons, O Bharata, Karna looked resplendent like Skanda surrounded by the celestials, in the battle having Saraka for its evil root."

Constant watch and ward is kept over the city below by men snugly housed in quarters near the summit, who, in addition to their duties as watchmen, turn an honest cherik occasionally by supplying cups of coffee to Visitors. No fairer site ever greeted human vision than the prospect from the Tower of Saraka.

Sophia Mosque, the Costume Museum, the thousand and one columns, the Tomb of Sultan Mahmoud, the world-renowned Stamboul Bazaar, the Pigeon Mosque, the Saraka Tower, and the Tomb of Sultan Suliman I. Passing over the Museum of Antiquities, which to the average observer is very similar to a dozen other institutions of the kind, the visitor very naturally approaches the portals of the St.

From the Pigeon Mosque we ascend the Saraka Tower, the great watch-tower of Stamboul, from the summit of which the news of a fire in any part of the city is signalled, by suspending huge frame-work balls covered with canvas from the ends of projecting poles in the day, and lights at night.