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Thus, when Alice the divorced made up her mind in 1318 to go away from Rougham perhaps on a pilgrimage perhaps to Rome who knows? she let her house and land, and all that was upon it, live and dead stock, to her sister Juliana for three years.

When I came to think over the matter, however, I found that I could not tell you very much that I was sure of about your own parish of Tittleshall, but that it so happened I could tell you something that is new to you about a parish that joins your own; and because what was going on among your close neighbours at any one time would be in the main pretty much what would be going on among your forefathers, in bringing before you the kind of life which people led in the adjoining parish of Rougham six hundred years ago, I should be describing precisely the life which people were leading here in this parish where we are now people, remember, whose blood is throbbing in the veins of some of you present; for from that dust that lies in your churchyard yonder I make no doubt that some of you have sprung you whom I am speaking to now.

Felix's death a great event happened, which produced very momentous effects upon Rougham and its inhabitants in more ways than one. Up to this time there had been a rector at Rougham, and apparently a good rectory-house and some acres of glebe land how many I cannot say. But the canons of Westacre Priory cast their eyes upon the rectory of Rougham, and they made up their minds they would have it.