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The last, within a few days, had been declared innocent, and discharged from prison, and the former again remained alone. Some other of our companions had also been set at liberty; the Professor Romagnosi, and Count Giovanni Arrivabene. Captain Rezia and the Signor Canova were together. Professor Ressi was dying at that time, in a prison next to that of the two before mentioned.

We need not go through so hard a course of study merely for the purpose of walking over the razor edge of juristic definitions and to find out, for instance, that from the time Romagnosi made a distinction between incompleted and attempted crime rivers of ink have been spilled in the attempt to find the distinguishing elements of these two degrees of crime.

Machiavelli seems to have only studied men in masses, or as political instruments, never as feeling and thinking personalities. See Varchi, loc. cit. See the criticisms of Ammirato and Romagnosi, quoted by Cantù, Letteratura Italiana, p. 187. I shall have to speak elsewhere of Machiavelli's comedies, occasional poems, novel of 'Belphegor, etc.

Some of the classic criminologists, such as Bentham, Romagnosi, or Ellero, with a more positive bent of mind than others, may have given a little of their scientific activity to the analysis of this problem, namely the prevention of crime.

Aesthetics, Criticism, Philology, and Philosophy; Baretti, Parini, Giordani, Gioja, Romagnosi, Gallupi, Rosmini, Gioberti. From 1860 to 1885. ITALIAN LITERATURE AND ITS DIVISIONS. The fall of the Western Empire, the invasions of the northern tribes, and the subsequent wars and calamities, did not entirely extinguish the fire of genius in Italy.

The numerous Works of Gioja are distinguished for their practical value and clearness of style, though they lack eloquence and purity; those of Romagnosi are more abstract, and couched in obscure arid often incorrect language, but they are monuments of vast erudition, acute and profound judgment, and powerful dialectics.