United States or Gabon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I should have consulted someone " "Not at all, David. It was eminently right. I am not criticising, just interested." "I've been revoluting inside. Mrs. Wordling happened three days ago, when I was first thinking out the party. I didn't know we were to get into real things. 'Ah, here's a ripe rounding influence, said I. 'Do come, Mrs. Wordling. Maybe I did figure out the contrast she furnished.

As in the Central American States, "Ote toi de la que m'y mette" is on the standard of every ambitious general, colonel or politician. It is the direct cause of all the revolutions. At Corinto a lady, whom we became intimate with, landed for the professed purpose of "revoluting."

"Our orator seems to have finished," observed the girl. "I shall go back upstairs and write some good-bye notes to the kind people here." "Just for curiosity, I think I'll drive across and look at the legless Demosthenes," said her companion. "I was going to do a little shopping, anyway. So I'll report later, if he's revoluting or anything exciting."

"I'm tired of revoluting and it's it's tenderness I want," I faltered in a voice that hardly seemed strong enough to get so far up out of my heart as to reach the ears of the Crag as he bent his head down close over mine. He had come on my side of the gate at the first weak little cry I had let myself make a minute or two before.

"That is too dangerous a job, and not money enough in it. I prefer to do my revoluting through others, and cop the swag. That is the safe end of the game. It happens to be Honduras just now; I have been equally interested in other downtrodden countries. In truth, friend, I am a patriot for revenue only." "You mean you furnish arms?" "For a suitable consideration yes.