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"Now then, Jinny, look alive, an' don't ack like a dyin' duck in a thunderstorm, or you'll never get back to do YOUR bit o' spoonin'! Save them bones, Polly. Never waste an atom, my chuck remember that, when you've got an 'ouse of your own! No, girls, I always says, through their stomachs, that's the shortcut to their 'earts. The rest's on'y fal-de-lal-ing."

That's all I ever have to write, anyway just the signature. Rest's all dictatin'." He blew across the top of the cup unctuously. "Good coffee, mamma! Well, about Bibbs.

"The boys told me you were crippled by your pains." "I was. The pain's gone." "Rest's a good cure," said Wilkinson. "You got laid off on Saturday, didn't you?" The curiosity that had made Charnock stop was satisfied.

"The crew has cleared out to a man! Mr. Portman and I are left, the engineer's left and his assistant, they belonged to the yacht and don't have much to do with the crew, but the rest's all gone! Deckhands, stewards, and even the cook. The stewardess must have gone too, for I haven't seen her." "What's the meaning of all this," shouted Burke, his face getting very red.

She says she knows you're everything you said you was a gentle and chivalerous ranchman of the West, sure to be kind to a woman. She's scared she's that honest. But she's a-coming. She's going to try housekeeping though no more'n that. Rest's all up to you, not her. She balked from the jump on all marrying talk."