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So I called Blandina, her room wuz only jest a little ways from ourn, and we had a good lunch and felt recooperated. We slep' as well as we could considerin' the size and hardness of the mattress and pillows, and the confidences that wuz bein' poured into us onbeknown from both sides. The house is built dretful shammy.

Adoo, people of Weathersfield. Be virtoous & you'll be happy! As soon as I'd recooperated my physikil system, I went over into the village. The peasantry was glad to see me. The skoolmaster sed it was cheerin to see that gigantic intelleck among 'em onct more. That's what he called me. I like the skoolmaster, and allers send him tobacker when I'm off on a travelin campane.

He said his sister Isabelle, after she wuz a little recooperated from her grief for the old folks, and recovered a little from the sickness that she had after they left her, she too laid out to come on to Chicago, and spend a few weeks. He wuz a-layin' out to reconoiter round and find a good place for her to board and take good care on her. He thought enough on her yes, indeed.

"'I'll be recooperated, continues the Colonel, sloppin' out another drink; 'I'll be a new man when I takes hold ag'in, an' will make the Coyote, ever the leadin' medium of the Southwest, as strong an' invincible as four kings an' a ace. "It's at this p'int the five who's on the warpath comes into the Red Light.