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But Cynthia was not a good housekeeper and she did not re-cover the furniture when it got dingy, or re-paper the walls, or mend the carpets and bedclothes, and she never thought of such a thing as making new clothes for the doll family, so that of course their early Victorian frocks and capes and bonnets grew in time to be too shabby for words.

The colonel growled something about fools and their questions, but offered no explanation. "It may have been a monkey trick to make us change, our quarters the stuff was sulphuretted hydrogen and asafoetida. It may have been just bravado, but if he thinks he can scare me " He sucked viciously at his cigar end. "I've got workmen in to strip the walls and re-paper the bit that's soiled," he said.

"Yes, Primrose darling, of course we can make our own rooms clean we can even re-paper the walls, and we can whitewash the ceilings. Now we know exactly what to do. At the very next house where we see 'Apartments to Let, we'll ask for dirty rooms, then of course we'll get them cheap." "Those attics that we saw at that last house?" questioned Primrose, thoughtfully.

Each holiday he found his father more irritable, and a little weaker. Mrs. Elliot was quickly growing old. She had to manage the servants, to hush the neighbouring children, to answer the correspondence, to paper and re-paper the rooms and all for the sake of a man whom she did not like, and who did not conceal his dislike for her.