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0 much-abused and highly-slandered passion! passion rather of the soul than the heart: hateful to the pseudo-moralist, but viewed with favouring, though not undiscriminating eyes by the true philosopher: bright-winged and august ambition! It is well for fools to revile thee, because thou art liable, like other utilities, to abuse!

0 much-abused and highly-slandered passion! passion rather of the soul than the heart: hateful to the pseudo-moralist, but viewed with favouring, though not undiscriminating eyes by the true philosopher: bright-winged and august ambition! It is well for fools to revile thee, because thou art liable, like other utilities, to abuse!

In nearly all these cases there was more or less ignorance which is but another word for innocence as we commonly understand innocence and when at last, after the event, the facts are more or less bluntly explained to the victim he frequently exclaims: "Nobody told me!" It is this fact which condemns the pseudo-moralist. But he has seldom indeed lifted a finger to do any of these things.

And if the pseudo-moralist still has difficulty in coöperating towards the healing of this social sore he may be reminded that he himself like every one of us little though we may know it has certainly had a great army of syphilitic and gonorrhoeal persons among his own ancestors during the past four centuries.