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Here is a sledge, in the form of a dignified and scholarly volume, published by the exclusive house of Scribner, and written by the Bishop of my boyhood, the Bishop whose train I carried in the stately ceremonials: "The Citizen in His Relation to the Industrial Situation," by the Right Reverend Henry Codman Potter, D. D., L. L. D., D. C. L. a course of lectures delivered before the sons of our predatory classes at Yale University, under the endowment of a millionaire mining king, founder of the Phelps-Dodge corporation, which the other day carried out the deportation from their homes of a thousand striking miners at Bisbee, Arizona.

He owned, for instance, $2,750,000 worth of shares in the Phelps-Dodge Copper Queen Mining Company; $1,419,510 in the Old Dominion Company, and millions more in other mining companies.

Among the twenty-one directors, all of whom are engaged in some form of business enterprise, there are the names of William Rockefeller, Percy A. Rockefeller, J. Ogden Armour, Cleveland H. Dodge of the Phelps-Dodge Corporation, Cyrus H. McCormick of the International Harvester Co., Philip A. S. Franklin, President of the International Mercantile Marine Co.; Earl D. Babst, President of the American Sugar Refining Co.; Edgar Palmer, President of the New Jersey Zinc Co.; Nathan C. Kingsbury, Vice-President of the Union Pacific Railroad Co., and Frank Krumball, Chairman of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Co.

This campaign was conducted by H. P. Davison, one of the leading members of the firm of J. P. Morgan and Co. Later a great war-fund drive was conducted by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Cleveland H. Dodge of the Phelps-Dodge corporation was treasurer of another fund.

Latterly the old mines, consolidated, have been worked to some extent by the Phelps-Dodge Corporation, but again have been closed, early in April, 1921. On the Upper Gila Ancient Dwellers and Military Travelers