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"No more notable than the death of Edmund Kean, who, when he reached the passage 'Farewell, Othello's occupation's gone! fell back unconscious; or that of John Palmer, who, after reciting 'There is another and a better world, passed away without a pang." A silence fell between the two poets; around them shadows appeared and vanished. Phazma finished his syrup and arose. "Don't go," said Straws.

Altogether this costume was described by Phazma as "ravishing, the gown adorning the lady, and the lady the gown, her graces set forth against the sheen of voluminous satin folds, like those of some portrait by Sir Joshua or Gainsborough." "You may impersonate, but you can not deceive." "That is a poor compliment, since you take me for an actress," laughed the lady.

'Ours not to reason why! The poem is a monody on the tragedy at the theater." "At the St. Charles?" said Phazma, musingly. "As I passed, it was closed. It seemed early for the performance to be over. Yet the theater was dark; all the lights had gone out." "More than the lights went out," answered Straws, gravely; "a life went out!" "I don't exactly Oh, you refer to Miss Carew's farewell?"

So fancy must picture the wreaths of smoke; the superabundance of flowers, the fragrance of cigars mingling with the perfume of fading floral beauties; the pale dark-eyed girl presiding, upon her dusky hair a crown of laurel, set there, despite her protestations, by Phazma and Straws; the devotion of the count to his fair neighbor; the almost superhuman pride of noisy Barnes; the attention bestowed by Susan upon Saint-Prosper, while through his mind wandered the words of a French song: "Adieu, la cour, adieu les dames; Adieu les filles et les femmes "