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Mark looks round, sees Tom, and calls him in. "Mr. Thurnall, I am glad to meet you, sir. You did me good service at Pentremochyn, and did it cheaply. I was agreeably surprised, I confess, at receiving a bill for four pounds seven shillings and sixpence, where I expected one of twenty or thirty." "I charged according to what my time was really worth there, my lord.

Tom was sent for; and Scoutbush found, to his horror, that what little he could have ever done ought to have been done three months ago, with Lord Minchampstead's improvements at Pentremochyn. The little man walked up and down, and wrung his hands. But cursing leaves him, as it leaves other men, very much where he had started.

The news of Alma has just arrived. But he pays a visit to Whitbury first, and there Lord Minchampstead sees him, and his lordship expresses satisfaction at the way Tom conducted the business at Pentremochyn, and offers him a post of queen's messenger in the Crimea, which Tom accepts with profuse thanks.

"Does he think we was all fools afore he came here?" That was the rallying cry of the enemy, and sanitary reform was thrust out of sight. But Lord Minchampstead, who owned the neighbouring estates of Pentremochyn, on Mark Armsworth's advice, got Tom to make a report on the sanitary state of his cottages, and then acted on the information.