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'The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ. The word schoolmaster does not mean the man who teaches, but it is this very word Paidagogos or Boy-driver. How, then, does the law of God drive us to Christ?

Years afterwards, when the apostle was writing to the Galatians, he remembered his old Paidagogos, and he used him as an illustration. He said, in his epistle, that that boy-driver was like the law of God; just what the Paidagogos had done for him, that also the Word of God had done. That man had driven him to the school of the Rabbi, the law of God had driven him to the school of Christ.

'Ah, said Pyrrhus, 'with such soldiers as that the whole world would belong to me. Soldiers of Christ, let us be brave for the Master. Let the language of the heart of each in the Lord's army be that of Nehemiah, 'Should such a man as I flee? Nay, I will not flee, I will not desert my post, I will stand my ground, bravely, consistently, perseveringly, unto death. The Paidagogos.

The law, like the slave charged with the task of leading the boy to school, and of committing him to the teacher, we have thought to be too harsh and severe for our sentimental age, and have unwisely discharged, and have assumed its office of a paidagogos to Christ, and we have missed the way, and misled a priceless soul.

Paul, when he went to the Rabbi's school in Tarsus, was taken there by just such a man as that, a man who was paid by his parents to drive him to school regularly, and to see that he arrived there in good time. This man was called in his day a Paidagogos, or Boy-driver.