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Now tell me of all that has happened to you, we only had such a short time to talk when I saw you on the way to Tel-el-Kebir, that there must be still much to talk about." Osterberg's career had been so uneventful after they parted at Alexandria that his story was soon disposed of, and then George consulted him on matters concerning the future.

The challenge was a customary one amongst the students. The snatching Osterberg's cap from his head was the greatest insult Landauer could have offered him, and the bystanders wondered how it would be received. For a moment the young theological student stood as if in doubt. His lips twitched with indignation.

It is not I who am the coward! I do not take shelter under the cloak of the ministry, which forbids duels. You are the coward," he went on, stepping towards him and snatching his cap from his head, "and I challenge you to prove my words false!" As he spoke he flung the cap on the ground at Osterberg's feet, and defiantly awaited the outcome of his action.

"Ah," replied the officer, "that is all the better. But we must start at once. You," he went on, turning to George, "had better take one of your men's horses and ride with me in advance of the rest of the party." He was about to turn to his horse when, seeing Osterberg's speaking glance, he smiled and continued "Yes, you can accompany us, but hurry up!"