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I've made the necessary changes, and now I'm trying to set up the apparatus to work on solid light-matter. It was developed for gaseous material, and it's a rather tricky thing to change it over. But I think we've almost got it. "Wade, will you connect that to the high frequency oscillator there no through that counterbalanced condenser.

The transmitter was of French manufacture and consisted of two enormous triodes in a Hartley oscillator circuit. When I got it to work it was installed at the Naval Wireless station at Votanikos, where the Director, Captain Kyriakos Pezopoulos used it for experimental transmissions. There were already two other transmitters there, one on Long Waves and one on 600 metres.

Much of the apparatus for a 50 watt oscillator set where either one or two tubes are used is of the same size and design as that just described for the 5 watt oscillator sets, but, as in the C. W. telegraph sets, some of the parts must be proportionately larger.

A rheostat of this kind is shown at I and is listed at $1.25. The Oscillation Choke Coil. This coil is connected in between the oscillation circuits and the source of current which feeds the oscillator tube to keep the oscillations set up by the latter from surging back into the service wires where they would break down the insulation.

The only difference between this transmitter and the preceding one is that: two 5 watt tubes are used, the first serving as an oscillator and the second as a modulator; an oscillation choke coil is used in the plate circuit; a reactance coil or reactor, is used in the plate circuit; and a reactor is used in the grid circuit. The Oscillation Choke Coil.

To do this you need only to use a voltmeter across the filament terminals instead of an ammeter in series with it; then regulate the voltage of the filament with a rheostat. The Operation of C. W. Telegraph Transmitters with Alternating Current With Two Oscillator Tubes. In other words these oscillations are sustained but as in the case of those of a single tube, their amplitude rises and falls.

With the apparatus described for the above set and a single 50 watt oscillator tube a distance of upwards of 500 miles can be covered, while with two 50 watt oscillator tubes in parallel you can cover a distance of 1,000 miles without difficulty, and nearly 2,000 miles have been covered with this set. The Apparatus Required.

For this telephone transmitting set you need: one aerial ammeter; one tuning coil; one telephone modulator; one aerial series condenser; one 4 cell dry battery or a 6 volt storage battery; one microphone transmitter; one battery switch; one grid condenser; one grid leak; two 5 watt oscillator tubes with sockets; one blocking condenser; one oscillation choke coil; two filter condensers; one filter reactance coil; an alternating current power transformer, and two 20 watt rectifier vacuum tubes.

The voltage of the grid of the modulator tube is varied by the secondary coil of the induction coil or microphone transformer, above described. In this way the modulator tube acts like a variable resistance but it amplifies the variations impressed on the oscillations set up by the oscillator tube.

Vivid sparks occurred between the balls of the oscillator, to the accompaniment of a succession of sharp cracks, like the reports of a pistol, and some energy was sent off the square metal plate in the form of trains of electromagnetic waves, which radiated out in all directions. But the energy occupied a very large bandwidth and the receivers of that period could not separate two transmissions.