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The most ancient reliquary, once belonging to the cathedral at Grado, is that of Sant' Orontius; it contains a portion of his head, and is work of the eleventh century, material of an earlier date having been used in its construction.

While I was there I met Orontius; but he for some reason or other refused to visit me. Under the escort of Magnienus I inspected the treasury of the French Kings, and the Church of Saint Denis. I saw likewise something there, not so famous, but more interesting to my mind, and this was the horn of a unicorn, whole and uninjured.

He was physician to the monks of Saint Denis. The reception given to Cardan in Paris was a very friendly one. Orontius was a mechanician and mathematician; and jealousy of Cardan's great repute may have kept him away from the dinner, but the physicians were most hospitable.

Two reliquaries of the feet of S. Anselm, given by Radoslav Utusano, chancellor of the Bano Paolo, and zupan of the church of Nona, are dated 1309. There are two other reliquaries: one of SS. Giacomo and Orontius, with three medallions of saints; and the other with the Evangelists' symbols. Mr. T.G. Jackson also saw two crosses and a sixteenth-century chalice.

It contains a central peak and several minor elevations. Between its N.W. border and the S.W. flank of Miller is a smaller ring-plain of about half the size of Nasireddin, and on the S.E. a large enclosure named HUGGINS. ORONTIUS. Huggins has encroached on the W. side of this irregular ring- plain and overlaps it. It is of considerable size. The floor includes much detail and a prominent crater.