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"Cur hanc tibi, rector Olympi, Sollicitis visum mortalibus addere curam, Noscant venturas ut dira per omina clades?... Sit subitum, quodcumque paras; sit coeca futuri Mens hominum fati, liceat sperare timenti." Let the mind of men be blind to fate in store; let it be permitted to the timid to hope." "Ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit; miserum est enim, nihil proficientem angi,"

VIRGIL Candidus insueti miratur limen Olympi, Sub pedibusque videt nubes et sidera Daphnis. LUCAN ...Illic postquam se lumine vero Implevit, stellasque vagas miratur et astra Fixa polis, vidit quanta sub nocte jaceret Nostra dies.

Vida always speaks of Jesus as Heros and of God the Father as Superum Pater Nimbipotens or Regnator Olympi. Leo X. expired upon the 1st day of December 1521. The vacillating game he played in European politics had just been crowned with momentary success.

Of similar import are the well-considered words of Professor Naville, in the first of his lectures on modern atheism. He says: "Almost all pagans seem to have had a glimpse of the divine unity over the multiplicity of their idols, and of the rays of the divine holiness across the saturnalia of their Olympi.