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Scinditur avulsus; nec sicut vulnere sanguis Emicuit lentus: ruptis cadit undique venis; Discursusque animae diversa in membra meantis Interceptus aquis, nullius, vita perempti Est tanta dimissa via. Lib. iii. 638. Asunder flies the man.

"The present Sir Reginald can have no claim, being of the half-blood," put in Sir Wycherly, with a brevity of manner that denoted feeling. "The half-blood is as bad as a nullius, as you call Tom." "Not quite. A person of the half-blood may be as legitimate as the king's majesty; whereas, a nullius is of no blood.

"Pardon me, brother," says the fat gentleman, "there is very good authority " Here he was interrupted by the other with "Sir, excuse me, I despise all authority Nullius in verbo I stand on my own bottom." "But sir, sir," replied his antagonist, "the reason of the thing shows " "A fig for reason," cries this sufficient member; "I laugh at reason; give me ocular demonstratio."

Harkee, brother Wycherly; I've never asked you, or wished you to leave the estate to Tom, or his younger brothers; for one, and all, are filii nullorum as I term 'em, though my brother Record will have it, it ought to be filii nullius, as well as filius nullius.

"Filius nullius, Thomas," said Sir Wycherly, with a little eagerness to show his learning. "That's the very phrase. I have it from the first authority; my late brother, Baron Wychecombe, giving it to me with his own mouth, on an occasion that called for an understanding of such matters.