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A string of muttered oaths told them of Murphy's return. "Another mouthful o' sand! Darn their hides! If iver I get me hands on a bohunk in this wor-rld again " He spat noisily. "And all for a gun I don't know how to use. But it'll make a n'ise. Maybe it'll do to disthract their attintion till I get me shillalah swinging."

''Tis the big, black, ugly-faced snake, as black as a black stockin' an' thicker round than me leg at the thigh before I was wasted away! he says, poor man. 'It's makin' the fizzin' n'ise awful to-night, he says. 'An' the little black man wit' the gassly white forehead is a-laughin', he says. 'He's a-laughin' an' a-pokin' the big, black, fizzin', ugly-faced snake wit' his broomstick "

'The big, black, ugly-faced thing; it's as long as the front fence! he'd holler, 'an' it's makin' a fizzin' n'ise at me, an' breathin' in me face! he'd holler. 'Fer th' love o' hivin', Flora, he'd holler, 'it's got a little black man wit' a gassly white forehead a-pokin' of it along wit' a broom-handle, an' a-sickin' it on me, the same as a boy sicks a dog on a poor cat.

"No, not dead, but I 'ad to put it out, pore thing!" "Ye see, miss," said Mr. Jupe with his mouth full, "my missus couldn't nurse the byeby and 'tend to the biziniss as well, so as reason was " "It brikes my 'eart to think it; but it made such a n'ise, pore darling!" "Does the mother know?" said Glory. "That wasn't necessary, my dear.