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Mousy colored!" groaned Dykeman under his breath. "Listen to 'em!" "Well, isn't it?" Knapp was a bit stung. "House mousy, or field mousy?" Cummings wanted to know. "Knapp's right enough," Whipple said with dignity. "The man's hair is a medium brown indeterminate brown." He glanced around the table at the heads of hair under the electric lights.

It had been a tremendous big old ironbark tree nobody knew how old, but it had had its top blown off in a thunderstorm, and the carriers had lighted so many fires against the roots of it that it had been killed at last, and the sides were as black as a steamer's funnel. After a bit we could make out the doctor's short-tailed, mousy mare and him powdering along at a sort of hand gallop.

As targets, I don't regard my fellow-creatures with great enthusiasm and, moreover, I could easily have made two of this mousy champion of a warlike race. Illogically, I was feeling that to bully him was sheer brutality. Besides this, my dinner was not being improved by the delay. "Look here," I said amiably, "I can't see that you've taken anything.

"Nonsense," scoffed Katherine, "a dead creature can't hurt you. See, it's only a little mouse that fell into the pitcher and got drowned. Poor little mousy, it's a shame he had to meet such a sad fate when he came to visit us." "Katherine Adams, put that mouse away!" cried Oh-Pshaw, getting around behind the bed. "How can you bear to touch such a thing?"