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"There is, of course, no adequate reward for this service; we can in no way repay you, but in a measure we may show our appreciation. We have learned from the greatest psychologist of our nation, Tonlos, that in your world aluminum is plentiful, but gold and platinum are rare, and that morlus is unknown. I have had a small token made for you, and your friends.

"Why, we have no radium salts whatever on Earth that we could use for that purpose. Radium is exceedingly rare!" "Radium is by no means plentiful here," Tonlos replied, "but we seldom have to test for morlus, and we have plenty of radium salts for that purpose.

As though looking through a glass porthole, Taj Lamor saw the interior of the Communications Room. The Communications Officer was gazing at a similar disc in which Taj Lamor's features appeared. "Have they reported from Ohmur, Lorsand, and Throlus, yet, Morlus Tal?" asked the commander. "They are reporting now, Taj Lamor, and we will be ready within two and one half minutes.

Most of the other metallic elements were present in quantities approximating those of Earth, except for an element called "morlus". When Tonlos mentioned this, Arcot said: "Morlus I have the word in your language but I do not know the element. What is it?" "Why here is some!" Tonlos handed Arcot a small block of metal that had been used as a weight on a table in one corner of the room.

It is a little plaque, a disc of morlus, and on it there is a small map of the Solar System. On the reverse side there is a globe of Venus, with one of Earth beside it, as well as our men could copy the small globe you have given us. The northern hemisphere of each is depicted America, your nation, and Lanor, ours, thus being shown. We want you, and each of your friends, to accept these.