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It means nothing to you, but to men like myself, who live eight hundred years behind the times, it is much more precious than gold." A few moments later Professor Peabody took his leave, and it was not until he had turned the corner of the Calle Morazan that he halted and, like a man emerging from water, drew a deep breath. "Gee!" muttered the distinguished archeologist, "that was a close call!"

Those who do not sleep in the park toss out their imprisonment on a bedstead of woven ropes in a truly Honduranean building that disguises itself under the name of "Hotel Morazan," the slatternly keeper of which treats her helpless inmates with the same consideration as any other prison warden devoid of humanity or oversight.

The struggle which broke out among Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras, lasted until 1829, when Francisco Morazan, at the head of the "Allied Army, Upholder of the Law," entered the capital of the republic and assumed dictatorial power. Of all the Hispanic nations, however, Brazil was easily the most stable.

There is a saying in Honduras, which has been justified by countless revolutions, and which dates back to the days of Morazan the Liberator, that "He who takes Pecachua sleeps in the Palace." Garcia's plan was for two days to bombard the city, and if, in that time, Alvarez had not surrendered, to attack El Pecachua by night.